The Press

On this page we will try to keep you up to date about the press critiques of Jody’s work. He has already received much publicity from both television and newspaper reports. We will do our best to provide the original reports but do not always have the time to do so. If you see an article about Jody that is not reported on this page and would like us to put it on the web page then please send it to us using  one of the preferred contact details.

Recent Publicity

BBC Black Country Feature

Published in March 2004 on the BBC website. The BBC has also linked to this website. You can see some recent pictures of Jody painting and read about his carreer.

On The Ball - Gabby Logon

Gabby interviewed Jody at his home and in his art studio. The featured article was exploring the hobbies of professional footballers and featured much of his work. As a result of this feature Jody recieved many requests for further commissions.

Football Focus

Sky Sports News

Sky Sports Premier Show

Local News - Sunderland, Wolverhampton, Southampton

Wolverhampton - Fan magazine feature

The Express - Article published 10.3.04

Daily Mail - Article

The Star Article published 10.3.04

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